Top tips to Master an Interview
Confidence is key. No matter how often you’ve sat in that chair facing your potential employers, interviews can be tough. Taking the time to prepare, not only about the company but also yourself, will make you feel a lot more confident. Follow these simple tips to make sure you leave a lasting impression.
1. Research the company
Find out as much as you can about the organisation! Employers are looking for candidates who have prepared and are well informed. Being able to answer questions with insight and knowledge will not only impress your employers but give you confidence you’ll be able to answer any potentially tricky questions. Use these sources:
- The company website
- Google “News” Search
- LinkedIn and other social media networks
- Glassdoor
- Friends and business associates
Things to keep an eye out for:
- Their values
- Their leadership team
- Their struggles and triumphs
- Their culture
- Their clients
2. Learn about yourself
Who are you as a professional? What makes you tick? Being confident in your knowledge of the company is only half the battle. Connecting the dots between yourself and the organisation will provide the confidence for a smooth and successful interview.
- Job description – They company has set out what they want, use it! Develop the comparisons with what you believe are strengths and weaknesses for the role
- Know you career history – “When was a time where you helped a client?”. In the stress of an interview thinking on the fly rarely works. Knowing tangible examples that demonstrate how you saved resources, time or went that extra mile will provide the necessary self-confidence.
- “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” – Almost all interviewers will ask this in one form or another. Base your strengths off the job description and be honest about your weaknesses. However, tell the interviewer how you manage it!
- Soft Skills first and foremost – Your resume may have securer you the interview but your soft skills will land you the job. Relax, be yourself and remain positive. Employers are assessing your presentation and attitude just as much, if not more, than your technical skills.
- Social media cleanse – Don’t be naïve, employers will search you. Be proactive. Turn your platforms to private and google search yourself.
3. Ask questions
Interviewers favour candidates who ask questions. Nothing says interested and knowledgeable like asking questions about the role you wish to fill. Remember, you should be using the interview to interview your potential employer as well. Are they truly the right fit for me? Here are some examples:
- How will this role/position help the company achieve its main goals?
- What qualities do your top people exhibit?
- What are some of the challenges of this position?
- What does success in the role look like in the first 90 days?
Being well-prepared is the best way to overcome nerves and give you that extra confidence, so don’t let yourself get caught out. Now that you have the tips and tricks to master your next interview, try contacting our team at Adecco to start your new career journey today!