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How to Recognise and Manage Workplace Stress

In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environments, mastering the art of managing workplace stress is essential for overall well-being and success.

The statistics regarding stress and its impact on the quality of life in Australia are alarming. According to a survey conducted by Australian HR Institute’s Wellbeing Lab, it was found that a significant 68.5% of Australian workers feel like they are experiencing work burnout, which is a sign of chronic workplace stress and energy depletion.

The statistics show that workplace stress remains a pressing concern that demands attention. Research indicates that although working provides opportunities for learning and development, meaningful achievement and social connection it is still impacting the ability to perform, commit and find job satisfaction.

High job demand can cause feelings of being overwhelmed. As a result, it can be difficult to cope effectively.

Long working hours can be draining, leaving employees feeling exhausted and unable to keep a healthy balance between work and life. Whether the long hours are due to demanding schedules or excessive overtime, it can have a detrimental effect. The blurring of boundaries between work and personal life can also further exacerbate stress levels.

Additionally, a lack of control over work-related decisions and processes can contribute to feelings of powerlessness and frustration. Individuals may feel stressed and dissatisfied with their job when they lack autonomy in their roles or are micromanaged. This can undermine their sense of competence.


Below are some techniques that can help you manage and address a stressful work environment

  • Practice Gratitude: Take a moment each day to reflect on aspects of your work that you are grateful for. It could be supportive colleagues, interesting projects, or personal growth opportunities. Cultivating gratitude in the workplace can shift your mindset, increase job satisfaction, and reduce stress levels.
  • Physical Activity: Integrate regular physical activity breaks into your work routine. Physical activity helps us to reduce tension, increase energy and improve our overall wellbeing. This can include taking a walk during lunchtime, doing stretching exercises at your desk, or joining a fitness class after work.
  • Connect with Nature: Seek opportunities to connect with nature, even within the workplace. Take short breaks to step outside and enjoy natural surroundings if available. If nature is not easily accessible, incorporate elements like plants or natural light through a window into your workspace. Connecting with nature has a calming effect, reduces stress, and enhances focus and creativity.
  • Practice Deep Breathing: When faced with stressful situations at work, practice deep breathing exercises. Take slow, deliberate breaths, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling slowly through your mouth. Deep breathing triggers the body’s relaxation response. This helps to reduce stress and increase clarity. It also restores a sense of calm during challenging moments.
  • Take Mindful Work Breaks: Incorporate mindful breaks during your workday and step away from your desk to find a quiet spot. Engage in mindful activities such as eating lunch without distractions, meditating, or simply observing your surroundings. These moments of mindfulness provide a mental respite, reduce stress, and enhance focus and productivity.
  • Engage in Creative Expression: Seek opportunities to infuse creativity into your work tasks. Find innovative approaches to problem-solving, brainstorm ideas, or explore new perspectives. Engaging in creative expression within your work environment can foster a sense of fulfillment, reduce stress by promoting flow states, and enhance job satisfaction.
  • Discuss Stress with Your Manager: If workplace stress becomes overwhelming, consider having an open and honest conversation with your manager about your concerns. Discuss any challenges you are facing and explore potential strategies or adjustments that can help alleviate stress. Building a supportive relationship with your manager can lead to a more positive work environment and the implementation of effective stress management solutions.
  • Team Building and Communication: Prioritise team building activities and foster open and effective communication within your team. Engage in team-building exercises, collaborative projects, and regular team meetings to strengthen relationships, build trust, and enhance teamwork. Effective communication promotes a positive work environment, reduces misunderstandings, and helps manage stress by fostering a sense of camaraderie and support among team members.


Understand that addressing workplace stress is crucial for fostering workplace well-being and productivity.

Organisations that prioritise your well-being and proactively address workplace stress can positively contribute to the mental and physical health of their workforce, enhance productivity, engagement, and overall job satisfaction.  Being a part of a supportive and stress-resilient work environment can foster a happier, healthier, and more motivated you.

Don’t hesitate any longer; reach out to us today and we can provide you with the guidance and support you need to succeed in your career.

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