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How to Write a Cover Letter

A happy and hopeful young adult man reading and checking his resume before applying for a new job.

Yes, cover letters seem basic, but writing them isn’t so basic. Here’s how to write a terrific cover letter. What’s a cover letter? You’ll find all sorts of definitions, but here’s ours: It is a single-page letter that introduces you, highlights your relevant experiences and skills, clearly displays your interest in a specific job, and…

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Top tips to Master an Interview

A confident woman sits in the middle of four colleagues, smiling, while they all look towards her, showcasing a strong sense of leadership and team dynamics.

Confidence is key. No matter how often you’ve sat in that chair facing your potential employers, interviews can be tough. Taking the time to prepare, not only about the company but also yourself, will make you feel a lot more confident. Follow these simple tips to make sure you leave a lasting impression.  1. Research…

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Top Resume Mistakes to Avoid

A resume and colorful data charts laid out on a wooden desk next to a laptop, presenting professional and analytical content.

There are a few common mistakes that can send your resume straight to the rejection pile. It’s not exactly fair, but these mistakes can be easily overlooked and damage your reputation with the employer. Never fear; Adecco is to the rescue to help you avoid some of the most common mistakes. Your resume is more…

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The Interview Question that Stumps the Best of the Best

A man in a blue shirt sitting at a desk, looking thoughtful during a conversation, while a woman with a laptop gestures towards a document she is holding.

How does this great employer that you’re keen on joining factor into your grand life plan? That’s essentially what the interviewer is asking when they pose the question: “where will you be in five years’ time?” or perhaps close cousins like “what are you looking for?” or “what are your long-term career goals?” What’s the…

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