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Dealing with Employee Turnover: How to ‘Stop the Hop’

Man holding a cardboard box with a laptop bag, dossier, and drawing tube, symbolizing quitting or being fired from a job.

It was not too long ago that job-hopping was considered to be a career limiting move. The first question any potential employer would ask was why such short stints, or why so many jobs in such a short time? Over the past few years, however, it has not only become more commonplace, but job-hopping is…

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How to Manage a Multigenerational Workforce

An older woman smiling and holding a pen, with two younger people in the background.

Every generation thinks the one that follows it knows everything, is lazy and disrespectful. In the workplace, these perceptions are magnified. And yet, managers must cope with the idiosyncrasies and quirks of up to four generations in the workplace (Gen Z, Gen Y or Millennials, Gen X and Baby Boomers). It’s this last group that…

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