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Is ‘Blind’ Recruitment an Option to Improve Diversity?

A group of diverse people standing in a line, linking hands or arms together.

With the dial on gender and other forms of diversity & inclusion stubbornly refusing to shift, some companies have adopted ‘blind recruitment’. Is it right for your company? Case Study: The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) In 2015 the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) took steps to improve the level of gender equality at all…

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Five Tips to a Killer Employee Referral Program

Two colleagues giving each other a high five.

It’s one of the best sources of great talent, but surprisingly few companies make the most of their own employees’ contacts when it comes to hires. Here are some tips to make sure your referral program hits the mark. “I’d like you to meet my best friend…” No, it’s not a chat-up line at the…

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Supporting Parents in the Workplace

A woman working on a laptop while a child plays in the background at home.

Everyone could do with more paid leave – especially working mums – but what are employers overseas doing to assist return-to-work parents and is there anything local employers can borrow? As an employer – and perhaps also as an employee – you may have seen the headlines in 2015 about the plethora of employers now…

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