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Top Resume Mistakes to Avoid

A resume and colorful data charts laid out on a wooden desk next to a laptop, presenting professional and analytical content.

There are a few common mistakes that can send your resume straight to the rejection pile. It’s not exactly fair, but these mistakes can be easily overlooked and damage your reputation with the employer. Never fear; Adecco is to the rescue to help you avoid some of the most common mistakes. Your resume is more…

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What’s The Number One Benefit You Can Offer Employees?

It’s time to delve deeper into what consistently ranks as a key driver of employee retention – and it has nothing to do with outrageous remuneration, offering sleep pods or pool tables… First, the statistics: 74% of employees would consider moving to another job or employer if they knew it offered flexible hours; 61% of…

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The Interview Question that Stumps the Best of the Best

A man in a blue shirt sitting at a desk, looking thoughtful during a conversation, while a woman with a laptop gestures towards a document she is holding.

How does this great employer that you’re keen on joining factor into your grand life plan? That’s essentially what the interviewer is asking when they pose the question: “where will you be in five years’ time?” or perhaps close cousins like “what are you looking for?” or “what are your long-term career goals?” What’s the…

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How to Manage a Multigenerational Workforce

An older woman smiling and holding a pen, with two younger people in the background.

Every generation thinks the one that follows it knows everything, is lazy and disrespectful. In the workplace, these perceptions are magnified. And yet, managers must cope with the idiosyncrasies and quirks of up to four generations in the workplace (Gen Z, Gen Y or Millennials, Gen X and Baby Boomers). It’s this last group that…

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Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility into Your Organisation

The 2013 Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh, which saw over 1,100 garment workers lose their lives, was a long overdue wake-up call for international fashion and retail brands. Countless high-end fashion brands were implicated in the disaster, a tragic reminder that ‘doing business’ in a global world has sometimes unseen repercussions. It also shone…

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