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WGEA Statement

At Adecco, we are committed to gender equality and pay parity, recognizing their importance in driving business success. By promoting diverse leadership, transparent salary structures, and clear inclusion goals, we create a workplace where everyone can thrive.

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Driving Success Through Gender Equality and Pay Parity

At Adecco we are committed to gender equality and gender pay parity, not only because it is the right thing to do but because these indicators are important drivers of business success.

Research from McKinsey & Company has shown that companies with more diverse leadership teams are more likely to outperform their peers in terms of profitability and value creation. In practice, this means implementing transparent salary structures, setting clear diversity and inclusion goals, and creating initiatives that support women in leadership.

Additionally, we are sending a message to our people that we value fairness and we are focused on creating an environment where everyone, regardless of gender, can be their best.

Making the future work for everyone

Putting people first, pioneering with a collective spirit and always advancing with a growth mindset - that's what we stand for at the Adecco. We care about making the future work for everyone. And that starts with our own people.